Contribute to Women & Performance

The Editorial Collective of Women & Performance invites proposals of scholarly essays on performance, visual and sound art, theater, dance, ritual, political manifestations, film, new media, and the performance of everyday life from interdisciplinary feminist perspectives. We also welcome performative texts; interviews; book, performance and film reviews; and photo essays and images that advance critical dialogues on gender and performance. Women & Performance accepts proposals for themed issues from guest editors. We publish scholarship that is interdisciplinary and provocative in method and form.

Please propose manuscripts electronically via the form below. See below for contribution proposal and style guidelines.

  1. All work should be double spaced, with 1-inch margins, in 12-point Times font.

  2. Scholarly essays should not exceed 10,000 words; reviews should be approximately 1,000 words.

  3. Writers should follow the Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition.

  4. All manuscripts must be proposed with a cover document, including author’s name and email;
    a brief bio, indicating affiliation and recent publications; a 200 word abstract; and a word count of the manuscript.  To protect the anonymity of the proposal process, please avoid listing your name anywhere in the body of the manuscript.

  5. Please title your attachment with your last name, for example: title the manuscript as YourLastName.doc, and any images as YourLastNameImage1.pdf and YourLastNameImage2.pfd and so on.

  6. You are welcome to send images along with your manuscript. However, please ensure that you have (or will) secure copyright protection for all images. Women and Performance cannot aid in, or financially contribute to, the procurement of copyright.

We will send you an acknowledgment of receipt once your proposal is processed.  The Editorial Collective vets all proposals before they are sent out for external, anonymous peer review.  We provide reader comments, and may ask you to revise and repropose your work. The journal makes every effort to respond to propose within three to six months.

General essay proposals:

To propose an essay for general consideration, please email your proposal to For special issues, please propose directly to the special issue editor through the call for papers.